Commercial Electrician
Contact Todd Electrical Contractor Today
Reliable Commercial Electrician in Riverside, CA
Commercial electrical systems are more complex and more in-depth compared to residential electrical systems. As such, you should never hire a residential electrician for a commercial job. When you need commercial electrical services in Southern California, Todd Electrical Contractor has the experience you want in an electrician and can complete the commercial electrical work you need done. Read on to learn more about some of the commercial services we offer
New Construction
When a commercial property is being constructed, a commercial electrician is brought in to complete electrical work. Some of the work that needs to be completed includes installing a new electrical panel, wiring the new building, installing outlets throughout the property, hanging light fixtures, ensuring outdoor light fixtures are installed and fully functional and possibly installing a back-up generator. The electrician will ensure that all of the electrical components will be ready to go once the new building is handed over to the new owner.
Tenant Improvement
Many businesses rent commercial property, rather than buying commercial property. There are many different types of businesses out there, including restaurants, nail salons, call centers and warehouses. Each and every type of business has different needs within their space. Tenant improvement projects help to get a building ready for the new tenant, ensuring the space is functional. A commercial electrician will help with electrical changes that may be needed to accommodate large walk-in fridges and freezers in a restaurant or multiple computers in a call center.
Electrical Panel Upgrades
An electrical panel is responsible for routing all incoming power to the part of the building where it is needed. An electrical panel needs to be large enough to accommodate all of the incoming power that needs to be supplied to your entire building. If you are renovating a building, adding on to a building, or have an older building, you may need electrical panel upgrades. Getting a larger panel ensures that the panel can continue to direct all of the incoming power to the right source. A commercial electrician can help you determine when an upgrade is needed and complete the upgrade.
Commercial Electrical Services and Repairs
When a fuse keeps popping, when your lights are flickering, when outlets are no longer working, or when you want to switch out light fixtures in a commercial building, you may be in need of commercial electrical services and repairs. A commercial electrician can work to diagnose electrical problems, repair electrical problems or even complete inspections to help prevent electrical problems.
When You Need a Commercial Electrical Contractor and Electrician, Reach Out to Todd Electrical Contractor
Commercial electrical work can be complex. Whether you need help wiring new construction, are looking to complete tenant improvements, need electrical panel upgrades or need commercial electric services and repairs, Todd Electrical Contractor, who works as both a commercial electrician and commercial electric contractor, can help you.
Call our office today to schedule an appointment for commercial electrical services in Los Angeles County. today.